This Year Is Full Of Miracles!

“…I can always tell when I am completely relaxed to the Divine Plan by the inner peace that comes to me. This inner peace brings a joyous, creative urge that leads me into activity that unfolds the Plan, or it brings a patience and a stillness that allow others to unfold the Plan to me.” – Glenn Clark, from The Divine Plan

Welcome to 2019! Let the Belt of Prayer join together in song! In your Blue CFO Song Book turn to #321… with a slight lyric change: “This YEAR is Full of Miracles!!!”

Indeed it is! If you follow CFO International on Facebook, you’ve already heard about the birth of a brand new CFO Camp. Through the prayers and dreams of CFO’ers in the East Asia region, Tarlac CFO, located in central Luzon, Philippines, was born! Earlier in the year, CFO’ers from the East Asia region, Paul Lu, Goel Bagundol, Gloria Edijer, Bytti Fernandez, and others formed a prayer group, listened to the Holy Spirit, and came into consensus about timing, location and other needs. With prayer and financial assistance from CFO Taiwan and CFOI Regional Vice President Roger Huang, Tarlac CFO became a joyous, creative reality. Forty-three campers attended this divine appointment. Let us hold the council ring and each camper in prayer as they move on from that experience and witness the further unfolding of God’s Divine Plan in new and wonderful ways!

In prayer, the Tarlac CFO Council Ring came to three realizations. First, people are spiritually thirsty and very receptive to having CFO and the CFO Daily Program. Therefore, we need to share the blessing and bring it to them where they are, intentionally and purposefully.

Second, Jesus said, “Go ye into all the world…” and “…The Kingdom of God is at hand.” Let us, as CFOI and The Belt of Prayer go out and bring CFO to where it is needed, especially to the youth.

Third, let us go to prayer and continually ask what we as CFO’ers should do with CFO and ask how and where it fits into God’s Divine Plan, for the work is just beginning.

The CFO Daily Program has as much relevance and power as it did in 1930 when Glenn Clark dreamed of starting this Farthest Out prayer experiment. We see this when a CFO prayer group gathers. Unafraid to trust one another with their hopes, dreams, and ideas, the prayer group, in a spirit of relinquishment, releases those hopes, dreams, and ideas, to God, seeking only God’s highest and best. Time and time again, God returns those hopes, dreams, and ideas in ways and forms that are so much more beautiful and powerful than we could have ever thought possible. In co-creation with God, miracles happen.

This year is still fresh. We will find that it stays fresh when we attune ourselves to God’s presence in the common, unspectacular flow of everyday life. When we “let go and let God” the unspectacular becomes spectacular and miracles will happen everywhere. Just ask the Tarlac CFO Council Ring! Let us take some time this month to read Glenn Clark’s “The Divine Plan” with a renewed sense of God’s presence in the Here and Now, and with a ears ready to hear God’s voice.

“…I believe that to see harmony in that which is without brings harmony in that which is within, even as to see harmony in that which is within brings harmony in that which is without.” – Glenn Clark, from The Divine Plan

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21 Days of World-Wide Prayer and Fasting
Join Us for 21 Days of World-Wide Prayer and Fasting

We are inviting all from North America and the CFO International Regions around the world to come together in United Prayer.