Masterpiece Available

By permission of Macalaster Park Publishing, we have now posted The Soul’s Sincere Desire, Glenn Clark’s first book on prayer.

If you haven’t read it, please click on the link and get started. It will change your prayer life.

If you have wanted to share it with friends but not give up your copy, here is the solution. The book is out of print and available only as a used book, getting harder to find with online vendors. Now you can steer people here on our site or give them the file directly.

May God bless us as we share our lives together and walk toward peace through prayer. Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me!

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21 Days of World-Wide Prayer and Fasting
Join Us for 21 Days of World-Wide Prayer and Fasting

We are inviting all from North America and the CFO International Regions around the world to come together in United Prayer.