We in CFO are fond of saying that The Camps Farthest Out is an organism, not an organization. This is true, and if the word ‘organism’ gives you a little trouble, just replace it with the word ‘movement.’ The Camps Farthest Out is a movement, “A Kingdom of God movement” as Glenn Clark liked to say… and “at the center [CFO] stands for just one thing: living in oneness with God.”
An organism is a living, breathing thing. It is not bound by the constricting form and trappings of an organization. However, that does not mean that a movement cannot be organized. How would the intentions of a movement stay intact if there was not some effort to preserve those intentions?
For years, Camps Farthest Out International has striven to ensure that, through CFO Training, the CFO vision remain intact while fully recognizing that the Holy Spirit is bound by no forms whatsoever. When we come to a CFO camp, we do not know what will happen. We engage in the format known to us as the CFO Day and we “let go and let God,” trusting that God is already at work and that our task is to “get into the flow of what God is already doing.” The CFO Day is designed to be a breathing in, breathing out experience that primes our whole selves for tuning in and experiencing that which God would have us experience at camp. The CFO Day is the preparation. The Holy Spirit takes over from there… and what the Holy Spirit does is specific to each camper.
Leaders in CFO are “campers first” and are ready to open themselves to the Holy Spirit as to help others do the same. Recently, Sue Fairley and Ellen Reid led a training meeting in Australia. Here is Sue’s account of that time.
Australia holds a National meeting and camp in a different state every two years. This year, the National Ring was moving to Queensland, so it was decided we would have the meeting and camp in Brisbane. We also decided it would be good to have training as well. The dream of having at least two trainees from each Council Ring was born.
The National Ring felt that it would be a good investment to pay the costs for the trainees to attend both the training and the camp so they could immediately put into practice what they had learned in the training course.
In July 2016, the dream became reality and eight people from across Australia and one from Tonga joined in two and a half days of training. The training was hosted and given at the same time as the National meeting. Those serving as trainers were myself (Sue Fairley) and Ellen Reid from Brisbane. It was a rich time of discovery and practical skills training. The trainees were able to present a shortened daily camp program to those at the National Meeting and we were also able to use some of the National Ring to present the singing and devotion in motion parts of the CFO day.
On the last night we had a presentation of certificates to those who completed the training. (see photo).
The National camp followed immediately after, therefore the trainees were able to be involved in leadership within the camp. They presented the introductions to most of the key sessions helping campers (especially new campers) understand the purposes of each part of the CFO day. They also prepared and led the World Prayer Broadcast that concluded camp.
The evaluations were very positive and included comments such as “I now have an understanding of the program that I didn’t have before”, and “There were many opportunities to try new skills with ample support and encouragement, and “The practice confirmed for me that with God’s help I can do anything I am asked to do in our camp.”
One aspect of the evaluation was to write a brief advertisement for CFO and CFO training. Here are a couple of those:
Are you caring, fun, open or creative, fit and out there or anything in between and around? Then CFO is for YOU! Be surprised by God and what you can do for God.
CFO is a unique, freeing and valuable experience in exploring prayer and going deeper with God. The training program helps you understand where it comes from so you can be part of the exciting journey of where it is going. What’s it all about? Come Find Out!
If you are interested in CFO Training for your camp or exploring CFO Training Resources or reading the writings of Glenn Clark and others in the CFO Movement, please contact Dana Belmonte, International Coordinator, at cfoicoordinator@gmail.com and visit our website www.cfointernational.org.
“Jesus said God is not a definition, God is love. And Love is not a word to be professed, but a word to be lived. Therefore the central purpose of our Movement is to spread the contagion of living the life of Love.” – Glenn Clark, from Two or Three Gathered Together
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