A Season of Prayer in Action: A Call to Prayer

Dear CFO’ers around the globe,


Blessings upon blessings to you all! And a hearty CFO welcome to our most recent newsletter subscribers! We are glad you are here to join us in prayer. Consider yourself hugged! Please help this movement spread by LIKING us on Facebook. (For those who have been following our 11th International Camp stories, we will be returning to those in the next newsletter.)

Over the past two months, many CFO’ers have expressed the need/desire for CFOI to offer a worldwide prayer focus. Our world is hurting and once again we find ourselves as CFO’ers challenged to “take Jesus at His word” to quote our founder, Glenn Clark. It is time for A SEASON OF PRAYER IN ACTION. Please take a moment to ponder these words from I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes, by Glenn Clark.

Jesus likened the man who hears His words, and does them, unto a man who built his house upon the rock; and he who hears and does them not Jesus likened unto a man who built his house upon the sand. For too many years I have watched myself and other people build houses upon sand. I am not interested in sand houses any more. Unless we are ready to build upon rock there is nothing worth reading in this book. But if you would be a doer, then follow directions just as definitely as an athlete would follow instructions of his coach. If you wish a seat in the grand stand you have entered this amphitheater by the wrong door. This book is a doorway straight to the field of action. Only athletes of the spirit are allowed to enter here. 

This paragraph not only serves as an introduction to I Will Lift Up Mine Eyesbut an introduction to The Camp Farthest Out, the CFO Daily Program, and the concept of Kingdom Living. Prayer is about DOING. First we are SILENT as to LISTEN and get clear on the Holy Spirit’s guidance, and then we ACT. Glenn Clark believed the sermon on the mount IS the heart of the Bible, The Lord’s prayer IS the heart of the Sermon on the Mount, and “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” IS the heart of the Lord’s prayer.

So, let us join hearts, minds, and spirits and DO two things. First, CFOI is making the pamphlet A Season of Prayer in Action available to all. Click here for it. This pamphlet is an invitation to meditate on each part of the Lord’s Prayer over a six day period. As you read this pamphlet, you are invited to pray, reflect, and, if so led, to share your thoughts and prayers by posting them on our Facebook page or by emailing cfoicoordinator@gmail.com. When the Belt of Prayer engages together in focused prayer, amazing things WILL happen.

Second, Camps Farthest Out International will be featuring a different country of the world to hold up in prayer every week. Countries will be announced each Wednesday beginning on October 11, 2017, on our Facebook page so that the Belt of Prayer around the world can focus together on that specific location for a seven day period.

Amidst EVERYTHING that happens — joys, celebrations, trials, turmoil, tragedy, miracles —  we remember that “Kingdom Living” is a way of life embodying the belief that “Society is a living whole, and it must become conscious of this wholeness and integrate itself as a whole, or it will never be at rest. Moreover, this consciousness and this integration must come from within or it will rot and die…” from, The Camp Farthest Out and World Problems by Glenn Clark

As we seek this wholeness, let us pray… “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.”


“The Kingdom of God is the only thing Jesus called the good news.” – E. Stanley Jones


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21 Days of World-Wide Prayer and Fasting
Join Us for 21 Days of World-Wide Prayer and Fasting

We are inviting all from North America and the CFO International Regions around the world to come together in United Prayer.