Did you know that CFO International’s efforts and outreach are made possible solely by the donations of CFO’ers around the globe? Your Holy Spirit-guided giving makes everything CFOI does possible. We pray, we ask, and then we let go and let God provide. We love what CFOI Board Member, David Dobra, has to say about giving…

“I’d like to ask a question. When you look around your CFO camp, do you see anyone that you think shouldn’t have come? Of course not! We are all at CFO by divine appointment. It is our willingness to open our hearts to God that makes our gatherings possible. When we give, we do so from a place of listening and obedience to the Holy Spirit. When we respond to whatever the Holy Spirit says to give, we are blessed many times over.”
In 2017, the Camps Farthest Out movement is alive and well. CFO’ers across the globe are letting peace begin in and with them, that they may spread peace across our world. Our 11th International Camp gathering in Cagayan de Oro, Philippines was proof of this and we can’t wait to share more stories with you from that event in our next email newsletter.
When you donate to CFO International your funds support…
New camp development in regions across the globe.
CFOI’s efforts to keep the Belt of Prayer connected through our online presence (website, blog/newsletter, and Facebook page).
The provision of CFO Resources via the CFOI website.
CFOI Training in the CFO Daily Program in regions across the globe.
We ask you to prayerfully consider making a donation to CFO International in whatever amount the Holy Spirit guides you to give. Donations in any amount are helpful. God uses it ALL. When CFO’ers pray, listen, and obey the Holy Spirit, BIG THINGS HAPPEN!
To give, you can…
Use your credit card by visiting www.cfointernational.org and clicking the DONATE button. You’ll be directed to a third party website that handles those donations. It’s fast and easy.
Send a check payable to CFO International to…
CFO International
PO Box 4394
Peabody, MA 01961
Your gift is tax-deductible in the United States.
It’s a great day in the Kingdom, here and now, for in Christ, we have all that we need, all of the time. Thank you for your continued prayer and financial support! We are CFO’ers around the globe and we are connected via CFO International. If you haven’t done so already, please LIKE our Facebook page, visit our website to sign up for our e-newsletter, and pray about the next person you’ll share CFO International with.
Thy will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Let there be peace on earth,
And let it begin with me.