What happens when we’re filled? We burst!

The World Prayer Broadcast Refresher Call is coming up in just one week.  The details are below, as well as Tanya’s introduction – to get you inspired.

Let’s pray for God’s world together!

Refresher Call

Topic:           World Prayer Broadcast
When:           March 24, 2014 – 6:00 PDT, 9:00 EDT
Leader:          Tanya Cothran, CFOI Trainer
Directions:    Dial (209)255-1000, then 976397#  (normal call rates apply)

You know that feeling you get by the end of the camp week? That feeling of powerful prayer all around and inside us? A feeling that things will get better, and actually are better, because of the prayer that has happened all week? Each day of the camp week these feelings build and build until we are absolutely filled.

And what happens when we’re filled? We burst!

This burst is what the World Prayer Broadcast is all about! It’s a chance to spread that beautiful prayer Spirit with the whole world. To send love and prayer power developed during the camp week outward – to bless the world.

It’s an opportunity for a beautiful outpouring of love.

And it’s a chance to pray for peace and really influence the world in a positive way.

That’s what is possible when World Prayer Broadcast (WPB) is done right. Of course, WPB can also feel like a last-minute, tacked-on activity that people have to fit in before they leave. Then that prayer energy never reaches is potential.

Next week (March 24th at 6pm PDT) CFOI will host a Refresher Call to share what makes for a good WPB service, the most powerful experiences we’ve had with WPB, and some suggestions for prayerfully planning your camp’s WPB for next year.

Will you focus on a specific issue? How will young and old be involved? What would be the ultimate WPB experience? Join us for what promises be a fun and informative discussion.

And of course, we’ll be praying for the world at the end of the call!

Please join us, and bring a friend!

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21 Days of World-Wide Prayer and Fasting
Join Us for 21 Days of World-Wide Prayer and Fasting

We are inviting all from North America and the CFO International Regions around the world to come together in United Prayer.