West Africa Regional Training Camp

West Africa is a new CFOI Region, and Ofonime Nkoko, Regional Vice President, writes, “The people of West Africa are grateful to God Almighty for a successful Regional Training Camp.” He says the success will be felt for years to come. The meeting was held at Agona Kwanyako High School in Ghana, and travel there was an adventure. People drove and flew, and some slept in the park on the way from Nigeria. There were 35 Athletes of the Spirit in attendance.

After singing, praying and sharing messages from International Board members, training was done for 2 ½ days using the CFOI Training Guidelines. (You can receive those same guidelines by contacting the CFOI office at cfoicoordinator@gmail.com). Ofonime Nkoko conducted training, assisted by David Sunday David, Ekemini Alex Ekong, Evans Asiamah Gyan and Bright Nartey Acheampong. Training included Meditation, Prayer Groups, Creatives, Rest, Communication Skills, Listening Prayer and Consensus Decision Making, among other CFO program elements.

The Training days were followed by a Regional meeting, with discussions of Regional structure, camp Ambassadors, extension of camps into French West African countries, Board membership and other issues. There are currently 27 camps in this Region. Emmanuel Nelson Ibanga was chosen as a liaison to link West Africa to the United Prayer Tower. There are plans in place to start new CFO Prayer Groups in Ghana, Benin Republic and Cote d’Ivoire. Praise God!

The trip home for the Nigerians included border crossings from Ghana to Togo, Togo to Benin, then Benin to Lagos, Nigeria. Look at a map and follow the journey!

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