Rejoicing in Hope!!! 12th International Campership Fund

UPDATE: 12th International Camp is now being planned for the year 2023. The 12th International Team is currently meeting and praying and welcomes your prayer support. Please watch the website for updates. The blog below is being kept here for archival purposes. 

If you’ve been keeping up with the CFOI News, you are aware that 12th International CFO Camp is being prayerfully planned for October of 2022, in Texas, USA. (Details, as they are updated, can be found here). We have a theme (Rejoicing in Hope!!!), we have a logo (pictured here!)… and now it is time to lift up in prayer all those who will experience this Divine appointment.

What’s as wonderful as being at the 12th CFO International Camp? Being there with brothers and sisters from ALL over the globe!!! 12th International in Dallas, TX, USA, promises to be a time of Rejoicing in Hope. We hope that you are saving up funds to attend and that your CFO Camp Council Ring is praying about sponsoring youth from your camp so that they may attend 12th International CFO Camp!

Some economies just don’t allow people to put enough money aside for international travel… but you and I and the Holy Spirit can help. Let’s ALL gather in God’s Kingdom at 12th International CFO Camp! Please consider a gift, large or small, that will help a CFO camper from Africa, Asia, South America, Europe and the South Pacific to attend 12th International CFO Camp. We are praying for financial provision for sixty (60) camperships at $850 each. Any amount you can give helps! You can donate with a credit card by using the DONATE button on this website or you can mail a check, payable to CFO International, to…

CFO International
PO Box 38002
Phoenix, AZ 85069

… (please put 12th International in the memo line).

Anyone who has attended an International CFO Camp can attest to the blessed experience they had. Please take a look at the International Retrospective page to get a glimpse of CFO International Meetings past!

“Oh we thank you, thank you, thank you”!!! The Belt of Prayer around the world is strong because… “What a mighty God we serve”! 

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21 Days of World-Wide Prayer and Fasting
Join Us for 21 Days of World-Wide Prayer and Fasting

We are inviting all from North America and the CFO International Regions around the world to come together in United Prayer.