Ever since our CFOI meetings in Lima, Peru, the North America Region team has been talking about ways to share CFO principles, dreams and encouragement with you. We are now offering Refresher Sessions by free conference call, and you are invited to join:)
Lana Runyan, a valued CFO leader, will guide the first call. Lana is gifted in helping people learn, and we are blessed to have her facilitate this call. Please call in. You will gain experience, and you will be refreshed.
Topic: Leading CFO Meditation
Date: Monday, October 29, 2012
Time: 6 p.m. PDT, 9 p.m. EDT (please calculate your time zone)
Leader: Lana Runyan, Koronis CFO
Phone: (712) 432-0075 Code 699622#

I hope you’ll join us on the call!