Rebirth of Jaffna Camp in Sri Lanka

Looking at a map of Sri Lanka, you’ll find Jaffna on a peninsula in the very north.  Glenn Clark celebrated his 72nd birthday there in 1954, when the country was called Ceylon.  Glenn Clark calls that first camp “One of the best we’ve had.”  (On Wings of Prayer, p. 138).  Some school girls who sang Happy Birthday to Glenn are women in CFO now, and some have gone on to glory.  War closed down that northern camp for some years, but CFO camps have been continually held in other parts of Sri Lanka since that first camp in 1954.  In April 2011, CFO camp was new again in Jaffna.


The story of the camp 57 years ago and the story of CFO around the world was told in English and in the Tamil language.  The 9:00 peace prayer was shared, and campers were led to become part of the Belt of Prayer.  There were pastors, lay people,  men, women and children participating.  There was a healing during Rhythms on the second day, and many Jaffna campers shared during Creatives time.  Numerous people are interested in starting CFO Prayer Groups in their areas.  CFO literature was given out, both in Tamil and in English. We thank God for the return of CFO to this area, and thank you for your support of this Region.  Lives are changing!


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