Pray for CFOI Training and Regional Camp, INDIA

The Holy Spirit is working and the anticipation is growing! It is with joy and expectancy we are looking forward to the CFO INTERNATIONAL BOARD MEETING, CFO TRAINING, and CFO REGIONAL CAMP to be held in DEHRADUN, INDIA on OCTOBER 2-8, 2019!!! The National Council Ring in India began praying early last year and those prayers have led to action. (Photo: Chennai CFO, All Camp Picture)

WE NEED YOUR PRAYERS AND FINANCIAL SUPPORT: We are expecting anywhere from 100-125 people at this event in India, perhaps more. It is our hope to provide CFOI Training to many youth that will attend. Training is very important for the future of CFO around the globe and we need the prayers and financial support of CFO’ers from every location on the Belt of Prayer. We all know that costs are always an issue for those who are young and just starting out. We would like to pay for every youth that attends the training and defray costs for the regional camp for all who attend. To do this, we need $20,000 USD.

GOD IS SO GOOD! That’s the reason $20,000 USD is not an off-putting number! As always, we ask you to pray first. God uses every donation we receive mightily so please give only that which the Holy Spirit leads you to give. Also, please know, that if everyone on our mailing list was to give somewhere between $30-$60, we’d be in very good shape. $220 will cover one person for CFO Training and the Regional Camp. Please pray about what you can do and either visit our website and donate with a credit card, or send a check to CFO International, PO BOX 4394, Peabody, MA 01961. Kingdom Living means abundance and possibility abound!!! (Photo: Lyrics to “God is So Good” in Hindi)

PRAYERS FOR SRI LANKA: As the news of the bombings on churches and hotels spread around the globe, so did the prayers of CFO’ers everywhere. Obviously, the aftermath of this tragic event is ongoing. Please keep Sri Lanka in your prayers. While we are thankful to have received messages that our CFO friends in Sri Lanka are safe, this national tragedy is weighing heavily and we stand with the people of Sri Lanka as they walk this difficult road.

FACEBOOK: Camps Farthest Out International is the name of our Facebook Page… Please search for it and “LIKE” it so that you can see all the pictures from CFO gatherings around the globe, as well as catch CFOI News. It just one way to get the CFOI News and certainly helps bring the light of Christ to our news feeds which can get crowded with so many other things.

EVENTS IN SOUTH PACIFIC REGION: Our CFOI President, Johnson Thomas and his wife Shirley have been in Australia for CFO events happening there. CFO’er, Noella Ross, and Johnson both report such blessed times of Kingdom Living at these gatherings. “The CFO Daily Program keeps ministering to us because we are always growing in our walk with Christ” …and don’t these pictures of the beautiful CFO’ers from Australia, Fiji, Tonga, Afghanistan, and a few other places just radiate the peace, love and light of Christ. Let’s all pray the Nine O’Clock Prayer right here, right now!

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21 Days of World-Wide Prayer and Fasting
Join Us for 21 Days of World-Wide Prayer and Fasting

We are inviting all from North America and the CFO International Regions around the world to come together in United Prayer.