Please remind the world…

Poland:  You have prayed for the training and preparation for the first Poland CFO, and now the actual camp is coming! I was asked today to remind the world to pray for this new camp in Lodz, Poland, from 29 August to 1 September.  Please pray for the new Council Ring and the leaders who are coming to support the new camp.  Jens Bergmann from Germany, Elaine Shelley from the United Kingdom and Erika Oosterkamp from Holland will come as leaders.  They expect 30 adults, all of them new campers, plus children.  “We pray for wisdom and the Holy Spirit leading.”  So there you have it, World, please pray with us.
Tingo Maria, Peru: A new CFO camp was held this month in the San Jorge area of Tingo Maria. Rosa Arana, Latin America’s Regional Vice President, took a 16-hour bus ride to accompany these people “so given to God,” with a contagious love of God in their lives. Rosa says that each person in leadership is completely committed to God. They have so few material resources that “each person donated 12 plates or 12 glasses, things like that.” They took turns cooking so that everybody could participate in the program. Rosa said that the Rhythms team was amazing:  three children, ages 10, 11 and 12 “lived the songs and felt the presence of God in harmony with each other.”  90 people attended this first-time camp, 27 of whom were children. Praise God for the new CFO Camp in Tingo Maria!

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21 Days of World-Wide Prayer and Fasting
Join Us for 21 Days of World-Wide Prayer and Fasting

We are inviting all from North America and the CFO International Regions around the world to come together in United Prayer.