Begun in 1937 as the Foundation Farthest Out, Camps Farthest Out International (CFOI) is in its 80th year. With Easter approaching and the 11th International Camp not far off, CFOI will be reflecting on “prayer in action.” Listen to these words from Glenn Clark written in 1955…
The Camps Farthest Out are based on the knowledge and the belief that…
Society is a living whole, and it must become conscious of this wholeness and integrate itself as a whole, or it will never be at rest. Moreover, this consciousness and this integration must come from within or it will rot and die…
The purpose of the Camp Farthest Out is to create an atmosphere and lay the foundations for experiencing that wholeness that all seek. Here we combine the tools of science, art, and religion to get a more clear understanding of this wholeness… and to do this in an effective, creative, irresistible way.”
from The Camp Farthest Out and World Problems
As we think about prayer that leads us to action and the wholeness of the abundant life Jesus teaches us about/wants us to experience, we ask you to prayerfully consider what CFOI does and how you can help.
CFO International…
Raises seed money to help start new camps around the globe.
Provides training in the CFO program wherever the Holy Spirit leads us to do so.
Unites the CFO movement around the world through the various efforts of our office, i.e. our website and online presence (find us at and on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter).
Gathers CFOers Internationally every five years at our International Camps. 11th International is happening in the Philippines this May. We have 160 attendees coming and over 50 are youth, many of which will experience CFO for the FIRST TIME!!!
The faith of Holy Spirit led CFO’ers who give to CFOI keeps the belt of prayer alive, alert, awake and enthusiastic for God’s work. To those of you who support us, we thank you. To those who have not had a chance to give, would you be able to help sustain CFOI with a monthly donation? When we ‘trust and obey’ the Holy Spirit’s calling, whatever we are moved to give will be blessed, used, and multiplied.

In thinking about “prayer in action” there is a song we would like to draw your attention to. It is #157 in the ‘CFO Sings’ songbook and it is called “Christian, Pass the Bread, Please.” It is a simple song with a simple message. It is a song that may not be sung much anymore… and if anyone has a story to share about Dorothy Leachman, the song’s composer, please write to us as we’d love to hear it.
This song encourages us to pray AND to act. “Christian, there’s a hungry world, pass the bread, please.” Our savior prayed long in the garden, and then He acted. He GAVE Himself to us. Are we ready to give of ourselves and be “Christ For Others?” Are we ready to let go and let God use us? Are we ready to not only pray about a matter, but to be part of God’s answer to that prayer if the Holy Spirit so chooses? “Christian, there’s a needy world, share His love, please.” (To hear “Christian, Pass the Bread Please” click here… the video was recorded by CFOI Coordinator, Dana Belmonte, for the purpose of providing a sense of the song, not a definitive version of it.)
Let’s let this Easter and the next CFO event we attend be a call to prayer AND action. To summarize a quote from Glenn Harding, CFO’s first song leader, “it is very easy to go no farther out when our own needs are met.” Let’s truly be CFO International that we may, together, “pass the bread and share His Love” to all the world.
“Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me”
The CFOI Board wishes you and your family a most blessed Easter!
You can support CFO International by giving with a credit card at, or…
by sending a check payable to CFO International to…
CFO International
PO Box 4394
Peabody, MA 01961