The Camps Farthest Out…
“It is a place where people learn how to pray and practice the presence of God, and go home prepared to apply it in every avenue of life; business, home, politics, recreation, hospitals, and above all our churches.” – Glenn Clark
“It lives and still grows as a seed in awakened people all over the world today.” – Miles Clark
“It is the unformalized, silent, creeping leaven that is needed to revitalize a dying civilization.” – Starr Daily

Since 1930, The Camps Farthest Out has been encouraging those who would attend a CFO gathering to seek the wholeness of the abundant life that Jesus spoke of in the gospels. Through learning to pray with one’s whole being and attuning one’s self to the voice of the Holy Spirit, CFOers practice letting… that is, letting go and letting God, or “getting in the flow of what God is already doing.” It’s not about making anything happen. It’s about letting go… and “letting God do the letting.” And as we begin to let God into every facet of our lives, this “letting” brings about peace within, and this peace flows out into our world and is the carrier of miracles.
In 2016, the Camps Farthest Out movement is alive and well. CFOers across the globe are letting peace begin with them that they may spread peace across our world. The belt of prayer around the world creates a constant prayer for peace as the nine o’clock prayer is prayed in every time zone.
Connecting CFOers around the world and giving the Farthest Out Movement a hub has been the privilege of CFO International ever since its founding in 1937 (originally The Foundation Farthest Out). We continue to connect CFOers around the world via our website It has been updated and improved and here are some of the things you will find there now/ very soon…
- CFO materials and out of print books by Glenn Clark and other CFO writers (we’ve expanded this)
- An easy to navigate calendar of camps and events
- An improved process for camp chartering
- A blog featuring stories on all things CFO from around the world (sign up to get this by email)
- More pictures and information from past and present events
- Easy connections to our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter feeds
- A place to donate to CFO International by using a major credit card
- A page to remember our departed campers
… And much more to come.
The efforts of CFO International are supported solely by donations. When you donate to CFO International your funds go towards new camp development in regions across the globe, our general operating fund, and this year, to our 11th International Campership Fund. And here’s the big news. Thanks to some generous CFOers…
We would like to ask you to prayerfully consider making a donation to CFO International in whatever amount the Holy Spirit guides you to give. As the end of the year approaches we want to be able to continue providing a place for CFOers to check in with the Belt of Prayer around the globe and continue to foster the growth of prayer groups and camps around the world.
In Christ, we have all that we need, all of the time. How does the Holy Spirit want you to be a part of fulfilling the need?
“Now let us… LET… ’till the power of the Lord come down!”
Send a check to CFO International, PO Box 4394, Peabody, MA 01961, or use a credit card online at