That is a statement we make at Camp in Brisbane, Australia. We usually insert it at the point of possible sharing of Creatives, with words such as, “In Camp we have a ‘rule’ – No Criticism – No Apologies. That means as you share your creative picture, your poem, or your thoughts, please don’t say, ‘I’m not much good at this.’ Or when you look at another’s, ‘You’re not much good at this.'”
I was reminded of this “rule” as this week I was reading Glenn Clark’s book, HOW TO FIND HEALTH THROUGH PRAYER. In it Glenn writes, “I personally, know that some of the most effective, direct messages that God has ever sent me, He has sent in the form of a temporary illness. One message was that I was to take more time to be still with Him. Another time He told me that I must throw out all my worthless baggage of fears. When colds come to my friends, I tell them that they are simply personal messages from on High to cease being congested with thoughts of self. Many of our ills might be traced to criticism or cynicism gone to seed – and so on and on. I hardly know how I could get along in this world if it were not for the frequent use of this marvelous receiving set, which is called the body, which the Father has provided for keeping me in continual touch with His steering hand in my life.”
And it seems to me that much of our world operates from a CRITICISM stance! Maybe it is time for a change. We will resist that, won’t we! And sometimes we justify it under the label, “Constructive Criticism.” Maybe it is time for a change. How we move from constructive criticism to helpful, supportive advice or thoughts may be the next question. And if perchance we baulk at what Glenn Clark says in the previous paragraph, maybe it is time to just quietly read his words again.
This is written for you, but especially for me.
Colin H Ray
Former President, CFO International