Last Message of 2013!

Here’s a note from Sue Fairley, CFOI President:

Dear CFO International Family,

We are celebrating again God’s incredible generosity in sending His only begotten Son to earth to show us the face and character of God. He opened the way for us to live in the kingdom now. We are the ones who are privileged to practice the kingdom of heaven as a reality here on earth. We remind ourselves of this during the 9:00 prayer at the close of each day.

Philippines Youth Camp – New in 2013!

One way we can help that kingdom become reality is by being generous ourselves and using the gifts God has blessed us with to bless others. Many of you regularly do that through your gifts to CFOI, and we celebrate new camps begun this year.  You can  use the blue button on the upper right of this page to make a donation yet this year.

Here’s part of a note we received this week from Mumias CFO Camp in Kenya, which met this month. “We take this opportunity to thank our Father in Heaven and all CFOers who prayed for us.  We had a good opportunity of gathering together as one family under the umbrella CFO.”   They are grateful for the addition of CFO songbooks, donated by campers on a different continent.   Mumias Camp is praying for the rest of CFO in the world, and they appreciate your prayers.  These connections remind us we are a big family!

I want to encourage all of us to dream large as we consider giving generously before this year concludes. We are asking for your help now to grow CFOI through support to new camps and leadership development in the year to come.  Developing an attitude of gratitude is a very powerful way of seeing the kingdom becoming reality and we can all be a part of this exciting opportunity. I thank you in advance for the gifts you make!

Love and blessings to you all,

Sue Fairley, President

Recent gifts were given to CFOI
in loving memory of Marion Clark, Norman Elliott, 
George H. McLane, Ginnie Moore 
and Jane Ross.


We are grateful for the honor of carrying on the work of the Kingdom in memory of these people who loved CFO.



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21 Days of World-Wide Prayer and Fasting
Join Us for 21 Days of World-Wide Prayer and Fasting

We are inviting all from North America and the CFO International Regions around the world to come together in United Prayer.