Aunty Stepha is one of Sri Lanka CFO’s original members, and she celebrated her 100th birthday this year, with lots of love and memories. Here are some words from Soundari Alexander, a leader in Sri Lanka CFO, and then some classic photos. Join us in celebrating!
“Aunty Stepha was at the first CFO meeting when Glenn Clark visited Ceylon [now Sri Lanka]. She was a live wire of the CFO Sri Lanka in her day. She would always gently encourage, appreciate and guide us. Her Bible study, messages and prayer groups at our Camps, including the fellowship days, was something to be remembered. She always told us ‘CFO CANT BE TAUGHT BUT IT HAS TO BE CAUGHT.’ Yes, that was what we all learnt and experienced. She has always attended our fellowship days on a regular basis. She would tell me that when I led rhythms at the fellowships days or camps I must do ‘He is a peach of a savior the apple of my eye….’ and I would always do it even if I had planned to do something else. It is when I see her I would say, ‘This is for Aunty Stepha,’ and her smile was great. She is still there for us CFOers who need her advice, encouragement and prayer. I say Thank You to our Lord Jesus for Aunty Stepha.”
Aunty Stepha as a young mother.
CFO Camp Bandarewella
Aunty Stepha as Speaker at Kandy CFO Camp in 1980Happy Birthday, Aunty Stepha!