Going farther out is just what some CFOers did on May 24th. The North American Team that learned together at Training of Trainers in Peru last year had a chance to share for a day with about 30 people at the ACFO Annual Meeting in Irvine, California. Team members shared about Meditation, Singing, Speaking, Devotion in Motion and Creatives. Then people signed up for any area they wanted to practice leading, and we got hear from first-time speakers and sing with first-time song leaders, as well as some old pros. People listened in prayer and then presented new Devotion in Motion prayers. It was a great time of supporting each other and learning together, developing leadership for CFO in North America.
Some comments from participants:
- “I was able to experiment in areas of leadership that I would not have thought to explore.”
- “You don’t know what you can do if you don’t have the freedom to try.”
- “I learned things at the meeting I had no idea existed.”
Other feedback included encouragement to add more training in Council Rings and at Zones, to involve more young adults, and to gather more leaders together to practice and deepen our leadership. So we thank God and celebrate and plan for an even better session next year in New York. Thanks for praying for us in this team effort!