Fall Down Under – A Word in Season

Coral Coast Christian Camp, Deuba, Fiji
Coral Coast Christian Camp, Deuba, Fiji

Last week I wrote about Spring Plans, and the ways your CFOI gifts are helping people get together this Summer in Fiji, and extending the reach of CFOI the world over. Well, that was very North American of me! It’s Fall below the equator, and the Board meeting and South Pacific Regional Camp at the beach in Fiji this August 2nd-6th are, correctly stated, this Winter. The Camp will be warm and lovely, but it will be Winter.  So my apologies to those for whom the seasons were misnamed.

Proverbs 15:23 talks about how beautiful a word in season is, and CFO’s founder, Glenn Clark, wrote many words that were in season when he penned them and still challenge us today.  I was reading Glenn this week about our need for a Department of Peace in the United States, on equal footing with the Department of War.  Glenn wasn’t the first person to think of a Department of Peace.  Such a Department was proposed in 1793, and proposals are still being made in this millenium, but while we do not have such a Department in the US government, Glenn Clark established training camps all around the United States (Camps Farthest Out), “where people can be trained in the disciplines and release to be found in the spiritual life and where they can learn to pray in power.”  Now this movement has reached around the world, and we are all part of an international Belt of Prayer.  Let’s pray together for peace in the world, and love all people in a way that brings peace.  It is our season now to be instruments of peace.  Thy kingdom come, in resurrection power!

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We are inviting all from North America and the CFO International Regions around the world to come together in United Prayer.