“When praying alone, let go and let God. When praying with a group, agree together in letting go and letting each other let God. When praying in Christ’s name, whether alone or in a group, let go and let Christ let God. Finally, let go and let God do the letting. – Glenn Clark, from Two or Three Gathered Together”

“Let go and let God have God’s wonderful way/ Let Go and let God have God’s way/ Your burden will vanish, your night turn to day/ Let Go and let God have God’s way.” – B.B. McKinney, CFO Sings #231
On December 30, 2015, Elsie Renshaw passed from this world and into eternal life with our Lord, Jesus Christ. She was 98. A service of thanksgiving was held on January 30, 2016.
Elsie was one of the last lifetime members of the CFO International Board. She and her husband, Norman, had the desire and mission to spread CFO/ LLL in Europe and overseas for more than 40 years. They helped to set up and support CFO in Germany starting in 1980 and later in the Netherlands. Norman and Elsie traveled extensively for CFOI and all along the way they were living examples of how to live the abundant life that Jesus spoke of. They embodied the love of God. At many CFOI camps, Norman was a speaker and Elsie lead creatives and helped train others to use their gifts in leadership positions within CFO/ LLL.
Norman was certainly well known as a CFO/ LLL speaker, but it was always ‘Norman and Elsie’! Theirs was a true partnership as they travelled together everywhere. They stayed in the most comfortable as well as in the most primitive of places, bringing the contagion of Christ’s Love and the experience of God’s healing love and grace through CFO/ LLL to all those they met. On all of these journeys, Elsie was Norman’s constant support and helper, always there to encourage him and care for his needs, something for which he was immensely grateful. She would quietly make notes of the anecdotes and illustrations that he used in his talks to make sure he didn’t repeat them the next day or during the next visit to that venue! Life was not always easy for them; they lived by faith, trusting God to supply their needs both financial and physical. With great gratitude, they would always say, “The Bank of Heaven has never failed us!”
As well as attending world-wide CFO/ LLL Camps with Norman, Elsie would lead in various capacities, including meditations and creative writing. A Dutch CFOer remembers how well Elsie led creative writing groups, and trained others to do so. She says, “From her I learned creative writing and to this day writing helps me to pray.” Elsie’s own contribution in such groups showed the depth and joy of her faith.
Elsie so lovingly supported Norman through his problem with failing eyesight and increasing frailty until his death seven years ago. Many wondered how she would cope when he died as her life had been generously given to supporting him in his ministry. But she did cope with dignity and revealed the deep strength of character that was in her. She valued enormously her growing family, and appreciated their care and support. She delighted in her grandchildren and great grandchildren.
There are many CFOers who, faced with life-changing circumstances and decisions, will have been deeply encouraged and blessed by the sensitive and loving prayers that Elsie and Norman would offer with empathy and understanding, Their advice was always helpful, valuable, and from the heart.
Elsie was a strong and gifted woman, sustained by prayer, with a faith vital and unwavering. Many around the world thank God for her life, her love, and her friendship. Countless CFOers will be forever grateful for the way her life touched theirs and helped them to a deeper and more intimate walk with Jesus.
Walking with Jesus/ Walking every day/ Walking all the way/ Walking with Jesus/ Walking with Jesus my Lord./ Walking in the sunlight/ Walking in the shadow/ Walking with Jesus my Lord. – R. Savage, CFO Sings #119