Happy New Year! This edition of CFO Camp news features the blessings of Eldoret CFO, located in western Kenya. CFO’er, Samuel Teimuge shares:
This year’s Eldoret camp, held in late November 2016, was one of the best. But that is true every year. It has been said that the only camps are your first camp and the one you are at. I find that to be true.

All of the blessings of this beautiful camp can be traced back to our monthly prayer group. The CFO families of our camp rotate the hosting of this most precious time of prayer, dreaming and fellowship. It is out of these prayer groups that our camp is born anew each year. Our camp planning happens within these prayer meetings. It has blessed us greatly.
One of our prayers has been that leadership would be raised up. As we prayed we began to see that our time at camp could be used in better ways to train leaders. We made the decision to use our first day of camp as a training and practicing day where all could be instructed in the way the CFO day is to go. The CFOI Training Manual made this possible. Young and old had the chance to lead. We are all campers first, so we should all be able to lead.

We were honored to have the CFO International Regional Vice President, Erastus Omukango, as one of our speakers. He brought to us the message of God’s love and God’s presence in his life as well as his time with the other CFO camps in East and Central Africa Region.
The song “Over and over like a mighty sea, comes the love of Jesus flowing over me” was a song that was particularly uplifting at our camp. The love of Jesus overflowed in such a way that our World Prayer Broadcast felt like a pouring out of God’s love like we have not seen before.
All CFOers around the world our in our prayers and we especially hold up in prayer the 11th International camp to be held in Cagayan de Oro, Philippines. Please pray with us and give to the campership fund as the Holy Spirit leads. Blessings to all!
If you would like to write a reflection about the blessings experienced at your latest CFO Event, please contact CFOI Coordinator, Dana Belmonte at cfoicoordinator@gmail.com. If you would like to support CFOI with a donation, you can use the “Donate Now” button at www.cfointernational.org for credit card donations or send a check to CFO International, PO Box 4394, Peabody, MA 01961 (make check payable to CFO International).
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“Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.”