CFO International is led by a volunteer Board of Trustees composed of members from each country where a chartered CFO Camp exists. Representing CFO Camps, Events, and Prayer Groups in regions of Africa, Europe, East Asia, South Asia, South America and South Pacific, the Board of Trustees seeks to support the development of new CFO Camps and Events, and keep the Belt of Prayer around the world connected via our website.
CFO International Camps are prayed into being by prayer groups and trained by existing CFO leaders in the region and abroad. Once a camp is established, the Council Ring of that camp is autonomous in its operation, is represented on the National Council Ring in their country, and communicates with the CFOI Board as to stay connected with The CFO Movement.
Together, CFO’ers around the world pray the Nine O’Clock Prayer each night in their respective time zones creating the Belt of Prayer around the world:
Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Let there be PEACE on earth and let it begin with me.

Past Presidents of the CFO International Board of Trustees
2020 – Present David Dobra
2015 – 2020 Johnson Thomas
2010 – 2015 Sue Fairley
2006 – 2010 Ed Ruddell
2000 – 2005 Charlie Grassl
1995 – 2000 Colin Ray
1991 – 1995 Jim Thomas
1987 – 1991 Allen Blume
1983 – 1987 Gerry Rahill
1979 – 1982 Del Anderson
(Prior to 1982, CFO International was known as the Foundation Farthest Out)
1977 – 1982 Roland Brown
1973 – 1978 Del Anderson
1962 – 1973 Mel Reynolds
1943 – 1962 Charles Stone
1937 – 1943 Glenn Clark