Amber Kenison, CFOer from Massachusetts, talks about her experience in CFO and her passion for the belt of prayer around the globe

Hello CFO Family! My name is Amber Kenison, and I have attended Winni CFO at Geneva Point Center in New Hampshire for my whole life. When I was a baby, the whole camp blessed me with singing (so I’m told) and now, at age 20, I couldn’t imagine a year without CFO. My family has deep roots in CFO beginning with my late great grandparents, Gordon and Carrie Kenison who knew Glenn Clark and were both very involved in the Winnipesaukee CFO at Geneva Point Center. My Grandparents, Rayner and Donna Kenison, still attend. I’ve yet to find a more welcoming, energetic, and loving place than in CFO. CFO is where I learned that prayer, faith, “loving thy neighbor,” and peace are all about a way of life that Jesus taught, not simply a creed, a set of words or a belief. There is an abundant life as Christ tells us, and I learned about it at CFO.
Even though I have attended Winni my whole life, I think I was in Junior High before I began to get a sense for the size and scope of Glenn Clark’s vision for “The Camp Farthest Out.” It was during an announcement for CFO International that I did a double take and said, “There are other CFO camps?!” It sounds funny, but I know I’m not the only person who has attended a camp for a while and not realized this fact.
Once I understood that my camp was part of a world-wide movement I was moved to pray like never before. The realization that there’s a belt of prayer around the globe caused me to grow spiritually right then and there. I wanted to meet these people who had experienced the same love, compassion, and harmony that CFO fosters. I wanted more people to find CFO.
As many of you are probably aware, the 11th International Camp to be held in Cagayan de Oro, Philippines is happening on May 7-12, 2017. There will be people there experiencing CFO for the first time. The 11th International Campership Fund helps to make that possible. One of the things we used to do at my home camp was collect spare change for CFO International and give it to the Campership Fund. Little, hand-made, paper boxes would sit on the dining room tables waiting to catch our spare change. And one week we raised just over $400 dollars… enough for one full campership! That’s when I learned that If Everyone Does A Little, That’s A Lot!
I would like to challenge everyone: First, please pray and ask the Holy Spirit if you are to participate in giving to the CFOI Campership Fund. Second, go to your spare change jar and see what is there. Did you know that if everyone on the CFOI mailing list was to give $25 dollars, the CFOI Campership Fund for 11th International would be fully funded? I emptied my spare change jar and I’ll just say it came to more than the $25 dollars.

Blessings to my CFO family around the world! I love you! Every donation no matter the amount will be used mightily by the Holy Spirit. Please find below some details about CFO International’s Campership Fund needs and how you can help.
11th International Campership Fund Goal: $50,000
Total Raised Thus Far: $23,000
Cost of One Campership: $400
You can donate online using a credit card at our website by using the DONATE button, OR…
make a check payable to CFO International and send it to P.O. Box 4394, Peabody, MA 01961, USA
Every day CFOers pray: “Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.”