12th International CFO Camp: Rejoicing In Hope!!!

UPDATE: 12th International Camp is now being planned for the year 2023. The 12th International Team is currently meeting and praying and welcomes your prayer support. Please watch the website for updates. The blog below is being kept here for archival purposes. 

Many of you probably remember Becky Sutherland as one of the former CFOI Coordinators. Becky never left our CFO family and now she is serving on the 12th International CFO Camp Team! Here she is with a special message for the Belt of Prayer!

Greetings to the Belt of Prayer around the world! I’m Becky Sutherland and I am a CFO’er serving on the 12th International Camp Team. Every five years, the CFOI Board sponsors a gathering of CFO’ers from all of the regions around the world. In October 2022, the North America Region will host the 12th International CFO Camp in Dallas, Texas, USA., The CFOI board has set up a web page dedicated to 12th International at www.cfointernational.org under the EVENTS tab. (Check it out here) We will be updating that page often with all the information you need about how to attend and/or support this event. It is not too early to mark your calendar and begin praying about what is sure to be an amazing, blessed time. 

All CFO events are prayed into existence. What we mean by that is the team acknowledges that God already has this divine appointment planned, and while we are each filled with wonderful ideas, we release those ideas to the Holy Spirit in prayer. As we listen to Holy Spirit guidance, the vision for the event becomes clear as all of our prayers, ideas, and visions are gently molded and harmonized into something more beautiful than we could have ever imagined on our own. Jesus the Christ, with whom we walk, said, “Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there I am with them” (Matthew 18:19-20).

The 12th International CFO Camp Team has been formed and has been praying… and we want to invite CFO’ers around the world into the prayer process right now. The Holy Spirit has given us the theme “REJOICING IN HOPE!” and a scripture to accompany the theme… Romans 15:13 “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” 

We have the theme and the scripture, and now we need a LOGO! A logo is a simple image, or picture, that communicates our theme. The Holy Spirit has guided us to ask the Belt of Prayer (YOU) for help with this. If you are familiar with The CFO Daily Program you know that the CFO Day includes a time of creativity. So here we go… I’m going to lead you in creatives…

We are looking for ideas from CFO’ers around the world for a logo for 12th International CFO Camp.

Get some paper and some colors ready.

Let’s hear the theme and scripture one more time: “REJOICING IN HOPE!”“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Take some time on your own to meditate on and pray about that scripture and theme. Take a prayer walk if you so desire. 

After your prayer and meditation, take some time to draw what you feel God is saying to you about a logo to accompany the theme and scripture passage. 

In CFO we always take time to share our creatives and we invite you to scan and send your logo submissions to cfoicoordinator@gmail.com as a PDF or a JPG file and please do so by November 30th of this year.

Please consider sharing your creative work with us no matter what you may think of it. Let the Holy Spirit lead. Sometimes God gives us the seed and someone else is to do the planting. You may not see your drawing as a “logo” per se, but it may spark the idea that leads to one. Please share! 

While we hope the Holy Spirit will provide a logo for us, we also hope that this exercise will be a time where CFO’ers around the world can have some fun and begin holding 12th International CFO Camp in prayer… and wouldn’t it be great to show all the pictures we received at the event?! If the Lord leads you to share what you wrote or drew, please send it to cfoicoordinator@gmail.com by November 30, 2020. 

12th International CFO Camp! Rejoicing in Hope!! Let the Co-Creating with God Begin!!!

“The abundant life is the unfolding, growing life which never ceases to progress toward its divine potential.” – Glenn Clark, from Windows of Heaven

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