Born in Des Moines, Iowa, and a graduate of Grinnell College, Glenn Clark was a man who believed with all of his heart and mind in the power of prayer to change humanity, first from within individual hearts, souls and minds, and then through a gathering of ‘athletes of the spirit’ all over the world forming a ‘belt of prayer’ around the globe. This Kingdom of God movement continues Glenn’s devotion to helping others live theirs lives more fully and creatively in the eternal Here and Now, and is known as The Camp Farthest Out or The CFO.
Glenn was a college English professor and an athletic coach. His spiritual roots were nurtured in the Presbyterian church. Glenn was a pray-er of vast prayers and a dreamer of vast dreams; prayers and dreams that came true. In a chance meeting with a fellow train passenger, Glenn heard the story of a miraculous transformation from greed to service under God’s guidance. It was then Glenn Clark started on his amazing life journey of helping mankind spiritually as a teacher, author and lecturer.
Glenn was a spiritual seeker with a rich, exploratory inner life. When one of his students approached him with questions about prayer, it triggered the writing of what would be his most influential book. The Soul’s Sincere Desire, began as an article for the Atlantic Monthly. It was so well received that Glenn was asked to expand the article into a book. Other titles from Glenn Clark include I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes, Two or Three Gathered Together, and God’s Reach.
In 1942 he resigned from his position at Macalester College to give all of his time to helping others discover this integration of body, mind and spirit in God. He traveled around the world and worked to establish The CFO in many countries. The details of this journey are recorded in his book, On Wings of Prayer. In 1956 he resigned his position as Director of The Camps Farthest Out, and just two months later, crossed over into the heavenly realm and still larger service. Before his passing, Glenn worked with members of the Camps in organizing the Association of Camps Farthest Out and wrote Our Bond of Faith, the guiding philosophy of The CFO.

Writings of Glenn Clark
- 1906 The Art of Living
- 1921 The Master Key of Reading Character
- 1922 The Manual of the Short Story Art
- 1926 The Soul’s Sincere Desire
- 1926 Twelve Parable-Miracles of Answered Prayer
- 1928 Fishers of Men
- 1929 Power of the Spirit on the Athletic Field
- 1930 The Thought Farthest Out
- 1931 Water of Life
- 1932 The Lord’s Prayer
- 1932 Personality in Essay Writing
- 1933 Song of the Soul’s of Men
- 1934 The Land We Vision
- 1935 Islands of Light
- 1936 Power in Athletics
- 1936 Fruits of the Spirit
- 1937 I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes
- 1937 Footsteps, Voices and Silences in College Halls
- 1939 God’s Minute Man
- 1939 The Man Who Talked With Flowers
- 1939 Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh
- 1940 The World’s Greatest Debate
- 1940 How to Find Health Through Prayer
- 1941 Armor of the Soldier
- 1941 Does God Hear Prayer?
- 1942 Two or Three Gathered Together
- 1942 Three Mysteries of Jesus
- 1942 The Way, The Truth, and The Life
- 1943 The Truth Shall Set You Free
- 1944 Home of Love
- 1944 The Third Front
- 1945 The Secret to Power in Business
- 1945 The Senior Partner in Business
- 1946 The Man Who Walked in His Steps
- 1946 The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe
- 1947 The Way of Love
- 1947 Touchdowns for the Lord
- 1948 Collaborating With Eternity
- 1949 A Man’s Reach
- 1949 Together
- 1950 What Would Jesus Do?
- 1950 From Crime to Christ
- 1950 The Other Dawn
- 1951 God’s Reach
- 1951 The Way to Victory in International Affairs
- 1952 Come Follow Me
- 1953 Be Thou Made Whole
- 1954 The Holy Spirit
- 1954 Windows of Heaven
- 1955 On Wings of Prayer
- 1956 God’s Voice in the Folklore